Flip Flop Shop

You sure???
Yep... This is a pic from a couple of days ago.. The fish nailed me with it's dorsal fin, when I picked it up...

Agreed. They say salt water has healing properties though.
That's my excuse for fishing more. ;) ...
Just heard there was a a shark bite issue just a couple of miles away from where that pic was taken, and they closed the beach for a bit... So I'll just fish another location. :unsure: ....
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Butch, I noticed a bandaid on the right shin, another fish story purhaps?:unsure:;)
Noooo, but it was from the same trip.. Every Memorial Day weekend we rent a cottage at The Crystal Beach Pier in Pacific Beach CA... Really cool old place.. Crystal Pier Hotel | San Diego Beach Hotels Over The Ocean .. This is where I caught the fish, and also got the other banged up shin.. I was walking around some furniture and cut it a little to close... My wife always carries a bunch of bandaids, not only on trips, but everyday in her purse... She knows me very well. :rolleyes: .... And you can tell by that pic that I bleed "Like a stuck pig"....
It's always a good time wheeling.

It wasn't one of the things I modified, so I'm still happy. I'm pretty convinced that it was a re-splined stock shaft, and never had the power to break it until now.
It's always a good time wheeling.

It wasn't one of the things I modified, so I'm still happy. I'm pretty convinced that it was a re-splined stock shaft, and never had the power to break it until now.
Well if you added more power... It was something you "modified". ;) ..... Still, it looked like fun...

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