Wow...way to go Richmond(Military dishonor)

wrightravis said:
Maybe I didn't read the article carefully, but what does this guy's military service or decorations have to do with his voilation of the homeowner's covenants?  Everyone should be treated the same and I would be ashamed to use my military service as a way to get what I want.  Miltary service isn't a free pass to break rules.

I did not read the article either, but someone who put his life on the line in 3 wars and earned a Congressional Medal of Honor, he deserves to fly the flag.  He earned it.
There is a HUGE differance between serving and earning a Medal of Honor.  I served most of my adult life and have several medal and I'm not in the same class as this man by any means.  He has earned the right to do almost anything with a free pass.
durnzuki said:
There is a HUGE differance between serving and earning a Medal of Honor.  I served most of my adult life and have several medal and I'm not in the same class as this man by any means.  He has earned the right to do almost anything with a free pass.

I say if he wants to stand outside and salute in his underwear, I'll still support his right to. I hate snot nosed liberal weener crybabies and their ambulance chasing lawyers. They aren't worthy to scrub his comode.
lv2fsh said:
I say if he wants to stand outside and salute in his underwear, I'll still support his right to. I hate snot nosed liberal weener crybabies and their ambulance chasing lawyers. They aren't worthy to scrub his comode.

times a 100,00000000000000000000000000000000000000

if he want's to pee on the court house square , the shut up and let him !
Thanks for clearing it up, Bcrew and T0nK.  I just got off a 14 hour flight and after a few beers didn't read the article correctly.  If that's the case, then you guys are right since he didn't violate any HOA covenants.  I thought the covenants were in place and this guy decided to breach them.  Instead, according to you guys, there was no such covenant to prohibit his action. 

If the HOA had a problem with this and he already had the pole up, a vote should have been taken amongst everyone and not a closed door affair.  Also, I've seen stuff like this happen in neighborhoods and the alleged violation is grandfathered into the covenants and it's not that big of a deal. 

durnzuki said:
He has earned the right to do almost anything with a free pass.

I'm probably splitting hairs here, but I disagree.  I think he has the same rights as every other law-abiding citizen.  I definetely think a Medal of Honor receipient should be highly respected and revered as it is a huge accomplishment, but from a legal standpoint it is not an entitlement.                 
He is legally no better than anybody else, but he should be overlooked as far as I am concerned.  If we overlook some yahoo becasue they can swing a bat or throw a ball or has been in a movie we can SURE overlook someone who is a certified Hero and has earned the highest award given to anybody and that most who get it do it posthumously.  As far as I am concerned those people ought to go around ahead of him and open doors for him, not worry if he is following the letter of the law to the exact point.  Like was posted earlier, He IS better than us and he proved it.  Most of the rest of the medals the Goverment give out are a joke but this medal is REAL.  If you dont believe it look at one of the current Nobel Prize winners.  This is why I live where I do instead of in some upidty HOA area.  I own the land, pay taxes on the land.  I dont want somebody telling me how often I have to cut the grass and how many vehicles I can park on it as long as I follow the LAW, not some stuck up lawers idea of what HE thinks is right.
durnzuki said:
He is legally no better than anybody else, but he should be overlooked as far as I am concerned.  If we overlook some yahoo becasue they can swing a bat or throw a ball or has been in a movie we can SURE overlook someone who is a certified Hero and has earned the highest award given to anybody and that most who get it do it posthumously.  As far as I am concerned those people ought to go around ahead of him and open doors for him, not worry if he is following the letter of the law to the exact point.  Like was posted earlier, He IS better than us and he proved it.  Most of the rest of the medals the Goverment give out are a joke but this medal is REAL.  If you dont believe it look at one of the current Nobel Prize winners.  This is why I live where I do instead of in some upidty HOA area.  I own the land, pay taxes on the land.  I dont want somebody telling me how often I have to cut the grass and how many vehicles I can park on it as long as I follow the LAW, not some stuck up lawers idea of what HE thinks is right.

I am in complete agreement with you Jeff. But as you say a golf club swinger or basketball player gets more breaks.  Home Owner associations are just another way for people to get richer out of your pocket.
Homeowner associations are not run by "snot nosed liberal weener crybabies! "They are most often run by power hungry, greedy swine who use regime fees as a cash cow and a way to provide work for all their two-bit contractor brother-in-laws. The flag pole controversy is typical of the problems I had in the past with homeowner associations. I was told that my deck I added to my house would have to torn down because it exceeded guidelines by several inches! Inches! This was on the rear of my house and not visible until you entered my backyard. Not only did I not tear the deck down, I placed a gaudy colored concrete donkey and cart and several pink flamingos in my front yard. Oddly enough there was no specific covenant regarding lawn decorations. That is until the next meeting. Suddenly no one could have ornaments on their lawns. They didn't bother me  about the deck again. Once when I lived in Florida I was told by my neighborhood association that I had too may trash cans. The limit was two and I had three. I got rid of the third can but I painted the others pink and red. I was not popular with the pinheads in charge after that because I found out they had no real authority. They were self-appointed and no one in the development had ever stood up to them. At my advanced age I still enjoy aggravating the snot out of self righteous people. None of those people are liberals. They are just jerk offs. I wish I could come up there and aggravate the people in your homeowners association Colonel Barfort. I salute you and thank you for your service to our Country
There is a difference in a HOA and simply having covenants. With a HOA, they are a legal entity basically that can enforce certain rules of the neighborhood. With covenants, there is no legal backing of said rules. Like I live in a sub-divsion that has covenants, but its not a HOA. I pay no money into anything. They have certain rules, but if I just really wanted to, I could do whatever. All it would do is piss certain neighbors off, so what though, they dont pay my bills. Anyways, kudos to everyone supporting this HERO!!!!!
lv2fsh said:
I say if he wants to stand outside and salute in his underwear, I'll still support his right to. I hate snot nosed liberal weener crybabies and their ambulance chasing lawyers. They aren't worthy to scrub his comode.

Amen brother!
The man is certainly a HERO, and the HOA is probably being insensitive, but when the guy bought his house, and paid his HOA dues, he agreed to abide by their rules

............ still, it seems like there is room for a compromise somewhere.

Is the flag so HUGE it bothers the neighbors by blotting out the sun?,
disturbs the peace with it's constant flapping?,
or lighting it at night uses more than it's fair share of the electrical grid ?

If any of those are true, maybe he's just being a jerk, and using his medals unfairly....


If the HOA is just being mean,
perhaps they should cut their losses,
as they'll never win kudos for sensitivity !!!

jerseyzuks said:
I believe that the issue is that he erected the flagpole on property that is common property (not his own property)

Where did you get that?  According to the Richmond newspaper (and everything else I have read) It is in his front yard (on his property)  If it was not on his property it would not even be an issue, and he wouldn't have gotten all of this attention from the press as he would clearly be in the wrong.
If you find an American flag flying on a flag pole aesthetically displeasing you should be taken out and shot or shipped to some poor third world country. The guy asked permission, they denied him, he did it anyway. The man wasn't afraid to fight Nazis, Koreans, or Vietnamese of course he's going to say heck with some HOA. The man did it because he knows, just like every true American should, he did the right thing.

In this country you should have the right to fly this nations flag on any part of it, no ifs, ands or gay HOA rules! It is truly sad what this nation is doing to it's self each and every day.
I'm not sure what to think now........... I might just have to read all the articles, and figure out where the truth lies.....

Being a hero doesn't entitle him to ignore laws, HOA rules, covenants & codicils in his Deed, as he knew what he was getting into when he bought the property.


Even if they are on firm legal ground,
this is a fight the HOA would be better off avoiding.

Anything involving the American Flag is bound to inflame peoples passions (as well it should) so I think the Guy and HOA should come to a fair understanding AL BY THEMSELVES,

and have the ACLU, FOXnews, Liberals, Conservatives, (and anybody else) just stay out of it. as all of them are just using this to further their OWN agenda.

If it's on his OWN property, he certainly has the right to be a patriot...... within reasonable limits

I did hear once about a Perkins Restaurant flying a flag 10'15', so big it bothered the neighbors and changed weather currents, but even they were just told to get a more "normal" sized one. :o
there is NO issue about WHERE the flag/pole is..just that it isn't "purty" in somebodies eyes, my guess the old bitty down the street with buick eternally signaling a left turn is on the board and it doesn't go well with the color of her needlepoint kleenex box on the package shelf of the car
bcrewcaptain said:
there is NO issue about WHERE the flag/pole is..just that it isn't "purty" in somebodies eyes, my guess the old bitty down the street with buick eternally signaling a left turn is on the board and it doesn't go well with the color of her needlepoint kleenex box on the package shelf of the car

If it's that clearcut......... I'm on the hero's side.......

Maybe we should change the flag to match her needlepoint though [naughty]  [censor][naughty] [lol]
because it's never a good idea to P$## off an old lady...... [stickpoke] [stickpoke]

expecially if she bakes great cookies!!!
t0nKaTrAcKeR said:
I am on the hero's matter what

I was actually joking................ although hero's probably should follow the rules too, so as not to needlessly upset old ladies... ;D ;D ;D
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