Rim Refurbishment


Well-known member
Got some new tires so I felt that my rims needed cleaning up.

Step 1: Get some rims, make sure you remove or tape up the valve stems.

Step 2: Get some paint stripper and paint it on till you see bubbling then take a hand scrapper and start peeling the paint off and make sure you wear gloves cause it does burn the skin

Step 3: Get a really gorgous wife and have her use a power tool while you sit back and watch


After the grinding

*No way am I showing you guys the other pics and vid i got :P*

Step 4:Get some bedliner in a spray can and spray the wheel down so it looks really good

You could stop here or if you want a differant color, let the bedliner dry then spray with your choice of color.




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you left out the part where you pull the old valve stems and put in new because they are old and just got a good dose of paint stripper to make sure they get hard and leak
I thought about that too but it's rough surface that the tire will cling too. If it does affect it i will grind it off

glad to see your wife helping you. if i would of asked my wife to do that she would probably throw something at me or give me one of those go to h@@l looks. ;D so i get my girls to help. (and she wounders why my girls are tom boys) ;D
GeneralChaos said:
All will be revieled soon ;)

There's a fine line between being revealed and reviled... I think you just blurred it. ;D

Your wheel color is awesome though... I like it!
O.k so sometimes I misspell a word or two, nobodies perfect, I'm close but not there yet :P ;D

You guys really like it? It's pretty bright. But we found out what color the other parts are and are probably going to repaint them.  ;)


GeneralChaos said:
You guys really like it? It's pretty bright. But we found out what color the other parts are and are probably going to repaint them.  ;)


a litle bright for me but if you like 'em thats cool. if you have a lime green zuke they may be a litle off though. jim
lmao you know how boring it is to wait for paint to dry so you can paint somemore lmao .  well here is what i did while Steve is up playing with the zuk in the garage lol.

ummm  stripped off paint i did yesturday and well that didn't take long, repainted the black and now a fresh coat of a new color that looks so much better, and yeap I enjoy it because I like that stuff lol. Now getting me to actually ride in a zuk is another thing lmao.



and this is what i settled with and he is goona have to like lmao



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yeap lmao but that is paint right lmao since this is a family board right lmao.

So what ya think? did I do ya proud?  I like the rims now they look good to me

lol I would love too but I have other plans for the paint job on the zuk.  Soon you wil see. that will take longer then a day to do lmao

Oh ya did I mention Steve is not here at the moment so he hasn't seen them yet lmao he is at the garage tinkering with the zuk.


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