Enlarging wheelwells

Flipper said:
Does anybody have pictures of the rear fenderwells after the crash?  Did the modification stay intact?

any chance of getting the original pics back? i'm thinking of doing this and would appreciate any pics.
I don't know where the pics went ??? I have them on my hard drive and will upload them tonight IF I don't have too much homework.
dschwab9 said:
They were probably in the old gallery that doesn't exist any more.

BINGO!! I clicked on the properties and that is where they were at. Like I said, I'll load them up tonight. Patience grasshopper, patience  ;D
bowtiebstrd said:
i saw that article on izook, but for some reason the pics never showed up til today...

It was actually off their site for a few months after their crash. Showed back up a few months ago. Jim
is it possible someone has bigger pics of this??? i'm about to bust out the sawzall and hack away the front. but the rear is kinda up in the air right now for me ... might as well do something while i'm waiting on the engine  ;D
Man I have the bigger pics but I am on dial up  ::) right now. It would take a n hour to send them all.

Jim, you have a set you could send with high speed internet?
Sorry about the delay. Just saw the post. Here is the original article I wrote with the clickable pics. Jim

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