Electrolysis - Rust Removal WORKS AWSOME!!!!!!

87hardtop said:
Thanks man for the info... It's hard not to try this seeing how it is so easy to do.. Less work =  ;D

LOL Just google it theres ALOT of info out there

Okay, here are some before and after pics (below: I'm posting before and after together, so don't panic when you see the before).  I let mine go for about 2 weeks or better due to the amount of metal involved.  It also probably set in the water turned off for a week or two before I got around to draining it and scrubbing it off.  I was really amazed at what I found today when I started scrubbing with a nylon brush.  And as you can see, it really devoured the pieces of metal that I used for anodes (?).  One was a file cabinet drawer and the other a piece of galvanized sheet metal. 




The piece of sheet metal:

The file cabinet drawer:

What was left in the bottom of the tub:
Like your post, I had been wondering how well this worked but had not tried it. I really like the before and after pics since they give a really good idea of type of results to expect.

Why the reference to muriatic acid?

This uses water and baking soda (I believe that's the active ingredient).  Anyhow, I have read somewhere else about using an arc welder as well (DC, not ac).  Same idea, as it's just a power source.
mojoinco said:
Why the reference to muriatic acid?
Just trying to keep someone else from making the same mistake I did. I once soaked a set of aluminum pistons in muriatic acid overnight to remove the carbon, and they were fizzing like alka seltzer tablets the next day. :(

This uses water and baking soda (I believe that's the active ingredient).  .
Nope, it's washing soda, not baking soda. ;)
If the part has a lot of rust, I will let it soke for a couple of days, then drain tank and replace with fresh water and washing soda. Soke for a couple more.  Works great. To bad it doesnt remove grease.
dptyrob said:
I could sit outside for hours and watch this thing.  My neighbors probably all think I've lost my mind.  ;D

Just grab a small fishing pole and pretend your fishing, that'll have them stumped ;D
My neighbors already think I'm crazy so they would expect that from me ;D

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