Saving pictures off of Adobe reader


Well-known member
OK.  I figured it out.  If you've ever used adobe reader lets say for the FSM (factory service manual), you know there are tons of pics on there.  Ever just want to save the picture then email/post it for someone.  Well I want to all the time but never could figure it out.  It'll would just save the pic to the clipboard and then you could save it has a .clp file but thats just for adobe reader to use.  You cant upload those to the ZU.

Well here's how you do it.

1.  Open the PDF file.   

2.  Find what you want copied. 

3a.  Now you can either select the "select button".  It's right of the "hand" button and left of the  "snapshot" button.  Now use the left mouse button to "highlight" what you want to copy.  Then right click and select "copy to clip board"

3b.  Other option is to select the "snapshot" button.  Left click to highlight what you want then once you left off the mouse button it'll directly copy it to the clipboard so make sure you get what you want or you'll have to do it again.

4.  Open clipboard by going to "window" tab and selecting clipboad viewer.

5.  Now save the file on your computer where you want it.  It'll save the file as a .clp file.  That's what Adobe reader sees.

6.  Now use the picture program IrfanView (Its free and can pretty much view any type of pic and can save them as any type.)  to view the .clp file you saved by right clicking the file and click "open with".  IF Irfanview isnt there, you'll have to manually find it on your computer.

7.  Once you have it open now click the "save" button and save the file as .jpg (or any other file you wish to).  There's a little tab on the top right of the save box that'll let you choose the quality of the save.  I put it on 100% and if the pic is too big, then I'll use Microsoft's power tool "resizer" to make the pic smaller.

8.  There you have it.  Took my 5 minutes to figure it out.  Have fun.
i also have a little program that work on most stuff its called Zapgrab, cool little picture click size it up and whammy paste on another program.
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