Make your own doorless straps


Well-known member
For people who like to make all their own stuff. 
Things you will need to make one set:
2 2" plastic or metal buckles (usually about a buck each)
28" of 2" nylon strapping (I got mine for free at work)
a pair of scissors
a soldering iron
a torch or lighter

Cut out 4 7" pieces of the nylon strapping.  Then use the torch to melt the ends so they don't fray later.  Be careful not to catch them on fire.  I used the same technique as heat shrinking something.  Just keep the flame moving and don't get it too close to the nylon.  Using the factory brackets as a guide mark the holes on the strapping where the screws will go through.  Make sure you mark them pretty close to the ends where you just torched them.  Then use an old soldering tip to burn the holes through.  Take the old straps off and put the new ones on.  :)
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