Interesting read about Ft Hood shootings


Well-known member
I know..I'm a little slow...but this is an interesting read

George W. Bush heard about Fort Hood, got in his car without any escort, apparently they did not have time to react, and drove to Fort Hood.  He was stopped at the gate and the guard could not believe who he had just stopped.  Bush only asks for directions to the hospital then drove on.  The gate guard called that "The president Is on Fort Hood  and driving to the hospital."  The base went bananas looking for Obama.  When they found it was Bush they immediately offered escort and Bush simply told them to shut up and let him visit the wounded and the dependents of the dead.  He stayed at Fort Hood for over six hours and was finally asked to leave by a message from the White House. Obama flew in days later and did not even go to the hospital.  All this I picked up from two soldiers here who happened to be at Fort Hood when it happened. 

This Bush/Obama/Ft. Hood story is something that should be sent to every voter in the US.

The doctor had his TV on in his office when the news of the military base shootings came on. The husband of one of his employees was stationed there.
He called her into his office and as he told her what had happened, she got a text message from her husband saying, "I am okay."  Her cell phone rang right after she read the message. It was an ER nurse,? I?m the one who just sent you a text, not your husband. I thought it would be comforting but I was mistaken in doing so. I am sorry to tell you this, but your husband has been shot 4 times and he is in surgery."

The soldier's wife left Southern Clinic in Dothan and drove all night to Ft. Hood. When she arrived, she found out her husband was out of surgery and would be OK. She rushed to his room and found that he already had visitors there to comfort him. He was just waking up and found his wife and the visitors by his side. The nurse took this picture:

What?  No news crews and cameras?  This is how people with class respond and pay respect to those in uniform.

Really interesting if you disregard the original and go to Snopes to read what really happened. It's amazing the crap people will spread to further political agendas, political party doesn't matter, both sides are guilty of this type of thing.
R/T said:
Really interesting if you disregard the original and go to Snopes to read what really happened. It's amazing the crap people will spread to further political agendas, political party doesn't matter, both sides are guilty of this type of thing.

You are right.... This is something that has enough fault for all sides. According to a story I read on Nightline, the shooter was a troubled individual that never should have been there to hurt people. According to the story, people were afraid to say anything about his mental problems, for fear of being called a bigot. That is shortsighted.

It seems to me that any soldier, whether they be Muslim, Christian, Jew, or devil worshiper, should have to meet the same standards, so anyone who's unstable should get treatment or discharge....

This incident was PREVENTABLE, as many fellow soldiers (including fellow muslims) thought he was a seriously disturbed person, and should not have been in the position to harm so many.

The George Bush &  Obama angles aren't helpful, as this isn't a partisan issue. Hopefully, both Republicans & Democrats love out country, and want our soldiers to be safe. The situation that caused the Fort Hood tragedy has been coming on for a while, under both Republican & Democratic officials, and under military leaders who seem to have dropped the ball......  .

(comment deleted)
The shooter was a Major. You rarely see officers after hours. As being an enlisted man, I have seen several Major's that were weird. I seen ones that were grossly obese. I have seen them at the MWR music nights that are typically held for junior enlisted here. I have fellow Soldiers that have been given room numbers by such ranking officers at these functions. The common thought is to know it aint right but heck they are a Major, who are we to say anything as enlisted in fear of being considered insubordinate. That is probably the reason nothing was brought up until it was too late.

zukitough said:
It is horrible and unforgivable it took 4 days for Pres. Obama to get there just to go to the funeral, he should have been there within a day. Then again Texas is Bush country so I can see why Bush was there 1st.

I don't really take offense that President Obama didn't rush down there. Presidents, NO MATTER where they go, tend to become the center of the universe, so he might have stayed away on purpose (as other presidents have) in order to allow the victims to get the attention they deserve.

If former president Bush was able to make a low-key visit, without a 500 person security detail, and actually got to visit quietly with victims, that's wonderful. It would have been MUCH harder for him to do so if he still was President, because presidents rarely can do anything low-key.

Showing compassion for the victims of this tragedy should not be a partisan thing. ALL Americans are patriotic, and were probably horrified by this senseless tragedy. People shouldn't pick apart the motives of either President Obama or former president Bush. I'm sure they both were heartbroken by these events......  as were most Americans.
zukitough said:
It is horrible and unforgivable it took 4 days for Pres. Obama to get there just to go to the funeral, he should have been there within a day. Then again Texas is Bush country so I can see why Bush was there 1st.
This is the point where I start getting irritated with responses. Horrible and unforgiveable? How often do Presidents go immediately to see murdered soldiers families? ANY President? Did any president visit the family of the pregnant female soldier killed and burned in LeJuene? Understandibly, due to his schedule, Bush took 3 days to get to ground zero, so I assume that Obama probably had some kind of schedule that prevented him from responding immediately to the death of 13 soldiers too. All of them have schedules and as much as I mourn the loss of those soldiers and feel for their familes, they don't deserve a Presidential visit any more than the soldiers coming home from the Middle East. Instead of people complaining about how long it took, he should get the nod that it was a nice thing for him to do, again, regardless of his politcal party or views, since not every soldier coming home wounded or every family who has lost a loved one there gets a visit. In my opinion the only reason anyone wants to make a big deal out of how long it took him to get there is because it's being considered as an act or terror. Had the killer been Bueford Bubba Gump, a normal American Christian or Jewish fellow out of Lubbock Texas  no one would have expected the President to show up, no matter who the president is.
AS is common, people take a non-political party issue and find some way to spin it to look poorly on someone. It just makes no sense.
R/T said:
This is the point where I start getting irritated with responses. Horrible and unforgiveable? How often do Presidents go immediately to see murdered soldiers families? ANY President? Did any president visit the family of the pregnant female soldier killed and burned in LeJuene? Understandibly, due to his schedule, Bush took 3 days to get to ground zero, so I assume that Obama probably had some kind of schedule that prevented him from responding immediately to the death of 13 soldiers too. All of them have schedules and as much as I mourn the loss of those soldiers and feel for their familes, they don't deserve a Presidential visit any more than the soldiers coming home from the Middle East. Instead of people complaining about how long it took, he should get the nod that it was a nice thing for him to do, again, regardless of his politcal party or views, since not every soldier coming home wounded or every family who has lost a loved one there gets a visit. In my opinion the only reason anyone wants to make a big deal out of how long it took him to get there is because it's being considered as an act or terror. Had the killer been Bueford Bubba Gump, a normal American Christian or Jewish fellow out of Lubbock Texas  no one would have expected the President to show up, no matter who the president is.
AS is common, people take a non-political party issue and find some way to spin it to look poorly on someone. It just makes no sense.
i deleted my comment because i reacted and insta posted. i have lost 2 fellow POG soldiers in the last week and things have been a bit crazy. i didnt know them that well so i am ok, but a good friend of mine was good friends with one. no one showed up to console those families except fellow families of POG.
you so are correct, Bush didnt have anything better to do and Obama is busy trying to solve the entire worlds problems, seriously.
I'm sorry for your loss Ben, I really am. Please tell your fellow soldiers that we send our support and love. Also, can you pm me your deployed mailing address? I have something to send over.
R/T said:
I'm sorry for your loss Ben, I really am. Please tell your fellow soldiers that we send our support and love. Also, can you pm me your deployed mailing address? I have something to send over.
it is the nature of our work and who we work with. however one of them got shot in the back by a dirty 'terp (american)! its b.s.!

u sending me an autographed copy of r/tina, poster sized so i can hang it on the wall of my trailer?
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