How-To Clean Vinyl Seats


Well-known member
Thought i would throw this up here since i just spent the day scrubbing the crap outta my vinyl seats..

1) Go to the parts store and pick up your favorite brand hand cleaner ( I recommend GOOP because it doesnt have those little abrasive balls in there )
2) Go to walmart and get yourself one or 2 of those little brushes you clean your fingernails with
3) get a bucket
4) take handful of hand cleaner and smear allllll over your seat or in the the area you want to clean
5) wait 5-10 min let the stuff do its magic
6) take that little nail brush and SCRUB the crap outta em
7) Take rag and water and wipe down
8) repeate steps 4-7 if necessary
9) dry
10) step back and admire your work


Now the completed
Front Done
Rears done

took me a couple hours to do all 4 seats and if you keep up on em it doesnt even take that long... alot of the boat guys use the goop/gojo whatever thing to deeep clean thier vinyl.. gets all the dirt and grime outta the places a rag just wont get.. :D  they look damn near brand new too.. :D
When I had mine redone, I wanted to originally go with blue and white like yours with a red S [red_s] but decided it would end up looking brown after a week of smudging grease and dirt into them so went with black and blue and a white S. It probably would have worked though. Thanks for the tip on goop for cleaning, never thought of that. Looks like we used the same blue color.

Pretty darn close aint it... And dont worry the GOOP wont pull color outta your current vinyl.. I used it on the blue as well and it got all the crap otu without taking out the color... but you might want to do a test spot obviously.. :D
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