Asin Hub Re-build

Lego Racer

Well-known member
How to take an Asin Hub apart:


Separate the top and bottom peaces:


Starting with the top peace you want to separate the spring from the Top part of the hub. Compress the spring and twist. It will separate easily. Now it should look like:


You will see there is a second spring attached to another peace there separate that if you need to do some cleaning. If you have it will look like this:


Now that the top peace has pretty much been completely disassembled we will start working on the bottom half:


You want to take the inner C-clip out first. Be careful they like to fly out. Once you have completed that you clean the wazoo out it. Use a wire wheel or emery cloth.


It should look like this now:


Then you want to take off the outer C-clip:


Once you have done that flip it upside down and that part will fall out. Clean it up really well with a wire wheel or emery cloth.


If you have gone this far make sure EVERYTHING is clean in there.

Now it is time to re-assemble the hubs, all we have to do is work it backwards now.  Starting with the large C-clip, go ahead and put that last peace you took out and place it in it original spot. Put the large C-clip in place and now that should look like this:


The inner peace is a very important part for the Hubs. It is the one that turns inside.


I?m a fan of lithium grease so put it around the smooth part:


When you go to put this peace in make sure that spacer sits on top of the smooth surface and then put it through the hub? Look at the last picture to make sure it is like that.

Now put the smaller C-clip in its spot to hold the inner part of the hub together.



Ok we are half way done. We are working on the top half of the hub. Remember that little spring you took off. This has to go together the exact same way it came off.


Part of the spring sits on top of a flange and part of it sits under the flange.


It will look like that when you are done.

Hey we are 80% done!!!! Wooo hooo

Now that you have the small spring attached to the one peace you have now put the bottom half of the spring in the grove of the gear. It is kind of like screwing on a pop bottle lid. But you only part way. Once you have started putting that spring in turn it with care, you could end up breaking that spring. Boy oh boy you don?t want to do that. Everything should be straight inline. And if you look close enough you can see where the spring should be when you?re done.


Then you will take that large spring rest it on the top housing of the hub (on the inside) and compress the spring with the gear looking part of the hub and slightly twist it counter clock wise. Now the part that turns your hub should have the some lithium grease on the slides (It makes it nice and easy to turn them). On the inner side of the hub (large peace) put lithium grease in those channels. Once you?re done that, you have completed the tear down and re-assemble of the asin hubs.

(sorry for the last photo being the same as the first but I forgot to take a photo of the final product)

Go ahead and install them on your rig.
gabe_samy said:
do i need to have the hubs on or can i drive without them

I don't know... I'm not the worlds best tech... Maybe someone else can answer that for you. But would say yes you have to have them on...

goober said:
great write up. however dont forget the small hub dial o-ring. that need replacing to as they rot and leak..

Ya i never got that far with the hub. But like goober said something to be looked at forsure!!
Hi all!

I just finished rebuilding my locking hubs on the Tracker.

The hardest part of this rebuild was getting the spring that fits into the slot on the sliding lock gear connected to the stamped piece that fits into the locking mechanism on the dial piece:


I threaded the small spring into the gear first, then popped the spring into position on the stamped piece.  It seemed to go together easier that way for me.  Here are some important things to know when fitting the spring:

The spring must go over the two tabs that are postioned on opposite sides of the piece.  Looking at the picture above, you can see one of the tabs with the spring resting on top of it in the uper left next to the two closely spaced gear teeth.  You can see the spring is on top of the other tab, which is on the table surface side of the assembly.  I managed to get the spring in place with a screwdriver by prying the spring over the far tab then prying the bent end of the spring over the second tab.

Also note that the short right angle bend in the spring is next to the "lifting tab" right next to the nail head in the tabletop.

It is also important that the metal tabs that stick out from the edge of the stamped piece are in the right place.  Note the two tabs that sit on top of the closely-spaced gear teeth and the tab that is bent over between the other closely-spaced gear teeth.  When you assemble the upper part of the hub to the bottom part, you must insert the gear where that bent-over tab is into the base gear slot that has a space in it and not a tooth.  Otherwise, the upper unit will not completely drop into place.

When assembling the two pieces, be sure that the upper part is set to "Free".  Things will go together easier that way.

Two other things:  I applied white grease on all sliding surfaces before assembly and I installed the inner snap ring on the back side of the lower unit after the hub was completely reasembled and placed in the "lock"  position.  The locked position placed pressure on the center spline unit so that it stayed in place while installing the snap ring with a snap ring tool.

I hope that this helps!
Just a little idea... this post is very helpful but I was wondering if someone could do a follow up and explain how to get the hubs off the car!!!

I was able to get the "top piece" and c-clip off but could NOT get what is called "the bottom piece" off.

Is there anything special that needs to be done? In any case I think that adding that part might be a great way to compliment this how to

Thank you
I have slept a few times since I did a hub rebuild...

Either you need a c-clip removal tool that fits into the two holes on the open end of the c-clip/retainer ring OR you need a tool that fits into the notches that allow you to compress the ring similar to the two-hole thing...

The tool looks like a pair of pliers with interchangeable jaws.

It might also be possible to remove the ring with a small flat-bladed screwdriver.  The idea is to pry under one end of the ring while keeping it from rotating in its groove.  If you can pop one end of the ring out of the groove, you can eventually work the screwdriver blade around the ring until it pops out.

Patience is a virtue in this part of the rebuild process...  ;D

I hope that this helps

To a certain extent. I was actually able to remove the C-clip (only one I saw) but then when I tried to pull out the second section it wouldn't come out. It spun around and the grooves seemed to be in the right place but for an unknown and unseen reason it just wouldn't pop out. Is there another C-clip. Or is it this "ring" that you're talking about that's keeping me from being able to do this? I must admit my hub is an absolute horror of Guck!! full of grease, mud and water so it's very likely that there was something else there but I just couldn't see it... Oh well, hopefully when I have some free time I can try again. This time I might try to clean all the stuff out before pulling too hard and breaking something!!
There is a large snap-ring, I believe, on the back face of the hub - where it bolts to wheel hub assembly -that hold everything in place.

Do a search for hub at Ack's FAQ (see signature below for link) for details.

I hope that this helps! 
Ack, you're the man!!!!  [headbang]

I have all I need now. Got it from this link on your site:
Shmack said:
What happens if you don't install the spring or install it correctly?

I screwed up and installed the spring wrong the first time I put mine together and it wouldn't pull the inner gear back and unlock the hub.  try to do one side at a time that way you have a reference and take your time.
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