70 year old coleman still works like new


Well-known member
My modern dual fuel coleman is somehow missing the needle in the generator so it's out of action until the new generator arrives.

In the meantime, I dug its ancient ancestor out of storage to use. I am told it was made in the early 1950s back when the tanks were copper- colored, yet here it is still working like new. Hats off to old-school coleman.


Back when they made things that weren't disposable.
I have one that still works like a champ & use it 4-5 times a year!
I have 2.
One I bought dirt cheap at a garage sale. Replaced the pump and good to go.
The other came from my Dad who got it from my grandpa.
Truthfully, there is no telling how old that one is .... I've had it 20+ years.

Those stoves just simply work!
I just gave mine (along with the matching lantern) to my Son... I've had them for over 50 years... They were covered by a mud slide at Lake Powell for a couple of days, during a huge summer storm, when almost new... Dug them out. cleaned them up and they worked fine ever since..

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